DIY, Weighted Vest -

DIY Weighted Vests for Exercise

Weighted vests are a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts, as they offer a convenient and effective way to add resistance to your workouts. In addition to being readily available for purchase, it's also possible to make your own weighted vest using materials such as Roly Poly brand plastic pellets.

Benefits of weighted vests:

  1. Improved strength and endurance: By adding extra weight to your body, a weighted vest forces your muscles to work harder. This can lead to increased strength and endurance, as your muscles adapt to the added resistance.

  2. Increased calorie burn: When you wear a weighted vest, your body has to work harder to move, which can lead to an increased calorie burn. This can be especially beneficial for those looking to lose weight or improve their cardiovascular fitness.

  3. Improved bone density: Weight-bearing exercises, such as those performed with a weighted vest, have been shown to improve bone density. This can be especially beneficial for postmenopausal women, who are at an increased risk for osteoporosis.

  4. Enhanced performance: Many athletes use weighted vests to improve their performance in their respective sports. For example, runners may use a weighted vest to build strength and improve their running economy, while basketball players may use a vest to increase their vertical jump.

  5. Versatility: Weighted vests can be used in a variety of settings, including the gym, at home, or even outdoors. They are also suitable for a wide range of fitness levels, as the weight can be easily adjusted to suit your individual needs.

How to make a weighted vest using plastic pellets:

  1. Gather materials: You will need a vest or backpack to hold the weights, plastic pellets, and a sewing kit.

  2. Determine the desired weight: Decide how much weight you want your vest to be, and measure out the appropriate amount of poly plastic pellets.

  3. Create the weight packets: Using a sewing needle and thread, create small packets of plastic poly beads by sewing them into pockets. Make sure to leave enough room for the pellets to move around slightly, as this will help distribute the weight evenly.

  4. Attach the weight packets to the vest: Using a needle and thread, attach the weight packets to the inside of the vest or backpack. Spread the packets evenly throughout the vest, making sure they are not too heavy on one side.

  5. Test the vest: Once you have attached all the weight packets, put on the vest and test it out to make sure it is comfortable and the weight is evenly distributed.

Making your own weighted vest using poly pellets is a cost-effective and customizable way to add resistance to your workouts. It's important to consult with a qualified trainer or medical professional to determine the appropriate weight and frequency for your needs.